See NLP in Action

Dr. Heidi Heron PsyD - Master Trainer of NLP would like to help you to learn how and why NLP is so beneficial in any coaches toolbox.  We would love to share with you: 

  • 8 actual coaching demonstrations 
  • 4 short videos explaining how NLP can assist 
  • Our e-book So, You Want To Be a Coach 
  • NLP Coach Training Prospectus 
  • Introduction to NLP Webinar

NLP is the #1 Must Have skillset for any coaches toolbox. 

Find Out Why. 

What you will Get

We simply want to help you to learn more about how learning NLP will benefit you in assisting others, becoming a coach or adding these skills to your toolbox. There is no obligation to continue further after accessing these materials! 

8 Coach Demonstrations 

You will watch the recordings of 8 coaching sessions; the initial and 2nd session. This will give you a good feel for how NLP coaching works, what its about and some of the things you can assist clients with. 

4 short videos

The skills of NLP are so versatile and dynamic we have collated a few short videos to help explain the difference between NLP Coaching and Therapy as well as how NLP can be utilised in a variety of therapeutic ways. 

e-Book - So, You Want to be a Coach

Download our easy to read and very honest view of Coaching. We want to open your eyes to the possibilities of NLP Coaching as well as give you a radically realistic view of what its like to be a coach.

Intro to NLP Coach Webinar

Join us for an on-demand webinar to learn more about how to become a Certified NLP Coach 

2020. All rights reserved